Copilot SmartRoutines, a 9-week program to improve your efficiency


Transform your workday: discover Microsoft Copilot Smart Routines.

Introducing Microsoft Copilot Smart Routines is your pathway to a more streamlined and intelligent workplace. This innovative nine-week program is designed to seamlessly integrate Microsoft Copilot into your organization, harnessing the power of AI to automate and refine your 6 most common daily office routines. From kickstarting mornings with precision to wrapping up days with efficiency, Copilot Smart Routines offers a library of customizable AI routines that empower your teams to manage information overload and prioritize tasks effectively. Whether it’s returning from a holiday or juggling multiple projects, our tailored routines ensure you maintain control over your workflow, maximizing productivity without stress. Step into the future of work with Microsoft Copilot Smart Routines and transform your daily operations into a model of efficiency and intelligence.

How it works

By installing 6 daily routines in a program of 9 weeks, we’ll kickstart the use of Microsoft Copilot in your organization. During these weeks we are organizing one workshop per week, packed with inspiration and a library of prompts that you can tailor and use to improve your workday. Each workshop is designed to be hands-on and interactive, ensuring participants not only learn but also apply their new skills in real-time, maximizing the impact of the Copilot integration into their daily work lives.

Initial Intake & Preparation - week 1 This initial week is dedicated to understanding the specific needs and workflow dynamics of your organization. The workshop will involve a comprehensive assessment of existing processes and tools, identification of key pain points, and an introduction to Microsoft Copilot's capabilities. Participants will set up Copilot and customize it for their workplace, ensuring a tailored approach right from the start.

Daily Routines - week 2 Focus on establishing AI-assisted routines that streamline everyday tasks such as email management, daily planning, and task prioritization. The workshop will train participants on setting up and customizing these routines to maximize morning productivity and end-of-day wrap-up efficiency, making everyday processes smoother and more manageable.

Meeting Routines - week 3 Concentrate on optimizing meeting efficiency with routines that prepare agendas, summarize background materials, and follow up on action items. This includes making use of transcribed meetings.
The workshop will explore how to use Copilot to automate meeting scheduling based on participant availability, generate minutes, and track the completion of meeting-related tasks.

Project Management Routines - week 4 This week addresses project oversight and management. Participants will learn how to use Copilot to create project timelines, monitor project status, and automatically generate progress reports and communications to stakeholders. The workshop aims to enhance project transparency and accountability through automated routines.

After out-of-office routines - week 5 After a holiday or any out-of-office period, catching up can be challenging. This session focuses on routines that help summarize key communications missed, update on project statuses, and reprioritize tasks to smoothly transition back into work. The workshop will teach participants how to quickly regain control of their workflow post-absence.

Recap and review session - week 6 Midway through the program, this week serves as a checkpoint to review the progress and effectiveness of the implemented routines. The workshop will provide an opportunity for feedback, adjustments, and sharing best practices among participants, ensuring that everyone is optimizing their use of Copilot effectively.

Brainstorming & Workshop routines - week 7 Enhancing creativity and idea generation through structured AI-assisted brainstorming sessions is the focus this week. Workshops will include setting up Copilot to facilitate and record brainstorming sessions, generate ideas based on trend analysis, and ensure that creative workflows are efficiently managed.

Collaboration routines - week 8 This week emphasizes improving teamwork and collaborative efforts. The workshop will demonstrate how to use Copilot to coordinate tasks, share documents seamlessly, and maintain communication flow among team members, ensuring everyone is aligned and up to date with team objectives.

Review and impact workshop - week 9 The final week will review the overall impact of integrating Copilot into the organization’s daily operations. This comprehensive workshop will assess the changes in productivity levels, gather extensive feedback, and plan for future enhancements or additional routines that could be introduced.

Pricing: € 12.500 for 100-200 users. 125 € / User
