CloudExOne Erp Commodity Risk Management
oleh cloudexone
Integrated Commodity Trading Platform performing Trading, Operations and Risk Management, CTRM, ETRM
CloudExOne Erp Commodity Risk Management is an integrated trading platform for Commodity Organization fulfilling the business need of the organization in terms of an ERP system and a Trading & Risk Management System. The Erp Commodity Risk Management software effectively leverages the default advantages of Dynamics 365 Business Central software and provides more efficiency to business process highlighting realistic trade performance (profit margins), forecasting risk (exposure), optimizing the trade data for operational user friendliness, and facilitating the bottom line tasks.
Liquid & Bunker Fuels Trading, Agri Traders & Manufacturers, Metal Ores Trading & Manufacturers are the key business segments compatible to the software. In addition, the software also behave as a standard ERP application for any organizations aligning to the above business segments directly or indirectly
Some key Highlights of ErpTRM Advanced are
> One Platform for Commodity Trading to Financial Accounting & Position Reporting
> Simple & Complex Pricing co-related with Mark to Market
> Inventory Position & Mark to Market comparison
> Derivatives Handling – Swaps & Futures
> Inventory Hedging
> Back to Back Trade - Priced & Unpriced Position
> Buy, Process, Sell - Priced & Unpriced Position
> Trade & Product Exposure Statement