Web Viewer

oleh Microsoft Corporation

(305 peringkat)

Take it to the web! Insert a secure webpage into your presentation.

We will retire the Web Viewer add-in for Microsoft PowerPoint and remove it from Microsoft App Source on December 2, 2024. After this date, the add-in will be unavailable for download or use. Existing files will not be affected, though the add-in's functionality in slides will end.


The Web Viewer app allows you to insert secure web pages into your presentation.

Secure web pages are those that start with https://. Non-secure web pages are not supported for security reasons. Most popular websites allow secure access. The application provides a preview button to make it easy to test whether your website works over https.

Kemampuan aplikasi

Ketika digunakan, aplikasi ini
  • Dapat mengirim data melalui Internet
  • Aplikasi ini dapat mengakses informasi pribadi di pesan aktif, seperti nomor telepon, alamat pos, atau URL. Aplikasi dapat mengirim data ini ke layanan pihak ketiga. Item lainnya di kotak surat Anda tidak akan dibaca atau diubah.
