
oleh Slideuplift

(3 peringkat)

Get Instant Access to Online Library of 20,000+ Presentation Templates To Create Cool Presentations.

What does the SlideUpLift Plugin do?

Working on a presentation? Looking for creative ways to showcase your ideas. You don’t have to scour the web to find out the right templates.

Explore SlideUpLift without leaving your presentation to access an online library of 20,000+ presentation templates.

Build stunning presentations in a few simple steps.

Core Benefits: 

Build a stunning presentation in a fraction of time

Get instant access to a variety of creative professional templates

100% editable

Templates open right in your task pane

How to use the SlideUpLift Plugin?

  • Once you install the plugin; you will have access to free as well as premium presentation templates
  • To access free PowerPoint templates, register for free user registration and you will be all set to download for free.
  • In case, you like any of the premium presentation templates, first register for one of our membership plans. Plans start from as low as $9.99
  • After buying membership, insert any of the templates of your choice and it will open up in the task pane.
  • All the presentation templates are 100% editable
  • * As mentioned above Purchase required to access premium powerpoint templates. For information on paid plans, please visit

What are the technology requirements?  

  • Fully compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint Version 2016 and Above

Kemampuan aplikasi

Ketika digunakan, aplikasi ini
  • Membaca dan membuat perubahan pada dokumen
  • Dapat mengirim data melalui Internet
