FactSet for Teams

oleh FactSet

(3 peringkat)

Leverage the power and intelligence of FactSet anytime, anywhere.

Receive and share FactSet’s industry-leading content whenever and wherever you are in Microsoft Teams, Outlook or Microsoft 365.

Stay on top of the key stories impacting markets by subscribing to notifications on curated summaries from our StreetAccount news feed. These are delivered automatically to you throughout the day, so you always remain informed. View all the news summaries you receive in a single place, so it is easy to catch up on what has been happening while you were away.

With FactSet, you can also query our detailed company content and bring color to your discussions about a company. View recent price movements and key metrics, discover the company’s most recent M&A activity, or plan your next move by checking out the company’s upcoming event. Simply type @factset or select the FactSet icon in your messaging window to search and select a company you are interested in. Share this information in conversations and groups without restrictions, enabling effortless collaboration without switching between applications.

We’ll continue to make updates and highlight new features as they become available.

For more information on FactSet, please visit

FactSet delivers superior analytics, service, content, and technology to help investment professionals see and seize opportunity sooner.

Kemampuan aplikasi

Ketika digunakan, aplikasi ini
  • Dapat mengirim data melalui Internet
  • Aplikasi ini dapat mengakses informasi pribadi di pesan aktif, seperti nomor telepon, alamat pos, atau URL. Aplikasi dapat mengirim data ini ke layanan pihak ketiga. Item lainnya di kotak surat Anda tidak akan dibaca atau diubah.
