
oleh Citasion LLC

(1 peringkat)

Manage your references with ease where you write and cite

Manage your references with ease where you write and cite.

BibNext ( is a free reference manager that supports one-click reference importation, bibliography generation, and collaborative reference management.

BibNext supports one-click reference importation from major research aggregators, such as Google Scholar, Springer, ACM, IEEE, CNKI, Emerald, Wiley, MDPI, and PubMed. Once papers are imported into a BibNext project, you can use BibNext to cite and generate bibliographies in Google Docs, Overleaf and Word. BibNext supports different languages and over 1,000 reference styles. You can share a BibNext project with unlimited number of collaborators, manage your references, write and cite collaboratively in the same document.

Premium Features

BibNext offers the following premium features, including:

Unlimited PDF paper storage

Smart in-text citation recommendation

Smart citation insertion

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Kemampuan aplikasi

Ketika digunakan, aplikasi ini
  • Membaca dan membuat perubahan pada dokumen
  • Dapat mengirim data melalui Internet
