
oleh G.E.M.S. SPRL

Create a daily dialog with your team, get authentic bottom-up insights, benchmark your culture.

How well do you know your colleagues?

How many of them are enjoying their job, are afraid to look dumb in front of their team, think their manager is open to complaints or plan on leaving your company within 6 months?

You cannot take good decisions when you don’t really know what people think.

VoxCollector allows you to engage all your employees in a daily poll based on anonymity (we don’t know who says what; which is the only way to get true insights in an environment with subordination) and transparency (we display the global results to all the coworkers).


Everyday, your employees will get a question in their Microsoft Teams channel. The questions are fun, short and impactful. Your colleagues will give their insights in total anonymity by pushing a button (agree or disagree). The next day, they will get the results and see what everybody thinks about yesterday's topic in total transparency. The questions have been designed with the help of the University of Leuven (Belgium) and allow us to benchmark your corporate culture after 3 to 6 months.


First, to collect the opinions of your people on various topics and analyse them in the Vox platform that will display in real-time your company culture. Our academically backed framework measures 16 HR variables (Leadership quality, Autonomy, Vertical Communication, Social Support, etc.) and compares them to a benchmark: in the blink of an eye, you can see where you are and where you want to go. You can also track the evolution of each specific variable.

Do you want to ask your own questions? You can schedule them, the same way you would with our specific questions. Or you can ask them via a pulse of multiple questions in a row. You can even request questions from your people which they can upvote or downvote. By doing so, you get to know their principal concerns.

Second, we can help you create change by “nudging” your people with some questions that address specific behaviours. (E.g. improve the meeting process, improve the respect at your workplace,…)

Third, in the Vox platform, you can generate monthly reports in the form of infographics with the major results and share them with your colleagues. Next to the reports and the various analyses, you will find articles specific to your situation to help you improve your weaknesses.

How much does it cost?

We don't do free trials but we have a fair pricing. You need a valid VoxCollector account in order to use the VoxCollector app. More info can be found by visiting our website.

Why Vox and not the other classic polling tools?

- We don’t do “classic” questions

- We are anonymous by design (we cannot find out on our servers what you or your colleagues voted, we just don't store this information)

- Our methodology is crafted with love and science, we have been elected best Belgian HR startup in 2018

- The setup is instant

- We don’t disrupt your colleague’s workday

- You get actionable insights that you would never get elsewhere

- Our solution is adapted for every team or company and can be expanded easily.

We are also human and if you want to have more info, don't hesitate to book a quick call with us:

Browse to our booking site.

The VoxCollector team.


1. As an admin, may I know who voted on a particular topic? No. We don’t store names and cannot link the answers to people. The finest granularity is at the Microsoft Teams channel level. If you want to poll different populations, separate them in different Microsoft Teams channels and you will get separate results for each channel.

2. Do you have a guide to ask good questions? Yes, we do.

Kemampuan aplikasi

Ketika digunakan, aplikasi ini
  • Dapat mengirim data melalui Internet
  • Aplikasi ini dapat mengakses informasi pribadi di pesan aktif, seperti nomor telepon, alamat pos, atau URL. Aplikasi dapat mengirim data ini ke layanan pihak ketiga. Item lainnya di kotak surat Anda tidak akan dibaca atau diubah.
