

Connect to live tutors instantly on a 1-on-1 session within 60 seconds.

Welcome to Filo, your ultimate destination for personalize live instant-tutoring sessions. Filo brings the power of one-to-one learning to every student, personalized to a students' specific needs.

In just 60 seconds, you can connect with a tutor who's ready to assist you with explanations, problem-solving, and anything else you require to excel academically. Filo takes care of any gaps in a student's understanding throughout the year, making their daily learning process extremely effective. Since students are the ones setting up the agenda for these instant classes, it works as per every student's pace and understanding. Teachers are instantly matched with filo experts based on the student's profile and needs.

The concept of Filo (Accelerated Learning) is backed by rigorous research by institutions like Harvard, JPAL, the District of Columbia, etc. For the first time, Filo has made it possible to implement ‘Accelerated learning’ at scale to solve every ‘hard’ problem associated with personalized Education-for-All.

With Filo students will get:

1. Every student is covered personally

2. Academic support is available 24X7, 365 days, on all devices.

3. 1:1 personalized video session with the teacher’s 100% attention on a single student

4. Talented students get the capability to go beyond their curriculum and accelerate their growth.

5. Improve performance by learning what they need at their pace

Filo is being used by students globally to prepare for exams and also to continuously improve their learning experience.

To get Unlimited access to all tutors, unlock Filo Premium by contacting your administrator or reach out to us at

Don't let academic challenges hold you back—experience the power of personalized tutoring with Filo and unleash your full potential!

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