Div25 Adapter for Office

oleh Div25

Download data from projects within the Div25 Sales & Estimating application to MS Word or Excel.

Pulling data from projects within the Div25 Sales & Estimating application to MS Word or Excel allows you to manipulate and use the data from your projects in many new ways. For example, you can download the "selected" Final Estimate of a Project Estimate to Excel for archiving purposes or easier manipulation in case you need to provide "open book" pricing to a customer.

There are also features specific to MS Word that can assist you with automating proposals. For example, you can place variables (such as project sell price, margin, material, etc) throughout your proposal which will then be replaced with data from a specific project in Div25.

Kemampuan aplikasi

Ketika digunakan, aplikasi ini
  • Membaca dan membuat perubahan pada dokumen
  • Dapat mengirim data melalui Internet
