Multi Line Chart with Tooltips

oleh Datanauts

Microsoft PBI Certified
(5 peringkat)
Unduh SampelPetunjuk

The Multi Line Chart packed with features that puts the joy in time series analysis

The Multi Line Chart With Tooltips was developed to offer more options for comparing time series data for all Power BI users.


The visual has many features put together that can help get more out of your time series data.

  • The card is the space where your categories are sorted in a tabular format. It also allows comparing 2 categories between themselves
  • The stick gives you quick YoY, MoM, YTD and MTD calculations
  • Sorting, highlighting, filtering the categories is easy and makes the visual more intuitive and easy to read
  • Data labels, series labels and multiple measures as values offer more insights into your data and give you more options for analysis
  • New - the visual now supports continuous dates and date hierarchies on the X axis 


Some possible use cases:

  • Compare stocks' performance over time
  • Compare financials over time
  • Compare any type of data over time, really :)


The Card shows the categories in a table based on your selected time frame

  • Add absolute deltas, relative deltas and sparklines.
  • Click on a card's column header to sort the table by that column
  • The category difference section can be toggled on and off
  • Two categories can be compared to each other in this section
  • Change table height, odd / even row colors, header color, table, border, shadow
  • Hovering over a row will highlight it in the line chart
  • New - place the card on the left of the line chart without overlapping it


The Stick shows the condensed categories in a table based on your selected time frame for more time analysis

  • Click on the stick chevron icon in the header to choose between YoY, MoM, YTD, MTD as analytics
  • Toggle which of the 4 metrics to be available to select from
  • Click on a stick's column header to sort the table by that column
  • Hovering over a row will highlight it in the line chart
  • The stick can be moved on the X axis by dragging it
  • New - place the stick card on the right of the line chart without overlapping it


The Multi Line Chart With Tooltips still has a few more features and a few limitations to bear in mind

  • With the "+" icon from the top right corner, you can select a time frame by clicking + dragging
  • With the arrow icon you see the tooltips when hovering over the lines
  • Clicking on a row in the card will filter the lines and the stick. The same is valid when clicking on a row of the stick's card.
  • Hovering over a line will highlight it


  • In order to be able to look at many points over a long timeframe, a sampling is needed. We use the same sampling logic that Microsoft uses for the native line chart. You can learn more about it here.

Multiple measures can be added in the "Values" field of the visual.

Adding multiple measures in the "Values" field does not accept a legend and adding a legend does not accept multiple measures.



Important The Multi Line Chart With Tooltips comes together with the Category Comparison Bar Chart.
For the same price and with the same license, you get access to 2 of the most powerful line and bar charts in the Power BI marketplace. To learn more, visit

Please note that the free version of the visual has limited capabilities but we offer free trial licenses.

To get a license for both The Multi Line Chart With Tooltips and the Category Comparison Bar Chart visit


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