Facebook Ads Dashboard

oleh Railsware Products Studio LLC.

Overview the performance of Facebook Ads campaigns and track monthly dynamics of key metrics

This Facebook Ads dashboard is designed to analyze the performance of the PPC campaigns run on Facebook. It connects seamlessly with your Facebook Ads and converts raw data from it into detailed insights. These allow you to track and compare ad effectiveness across different campaigns.

With our Facebook Ads dashboard, you can identify opportunities and challenges unique to Facebook advertising. View key metrics side by side, detect trends, and evaluate performance comprehensively, all within one dashboard. This focused analysis lets you optimize strategies and achieve better results from your advertising efforts.

Metrics you can track using dashboard:

  • Amount spent
  • Reach
  • Impressions
  • Link clicks
  • Unique link clicks
  • Click-through rate (CTR)
  • Cost per thousand impressions (CPM)
  • Cost per click (CPC)

*Try all data sources for free for 14 days.
