Non Profit Power Up - Direct Debit Processing
oleh cloudThing
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Easily manage your charities direct debit donations in house with swift and simple integration
Enable Direct integration with your Charities banking provider allowing you to bring your donations collected via direct debit in-house, this handy solution will cut down your charities' outgoings by eliminating dependency upon third-party payment processors.
This NonProfit PowerUp allows for easy and swift integration with your current systems, combining CRM donation schedule management with cloud based processing gives you're NonProfit automation needed to manage high volumes of recurring transactions and provides real-time reporting as when you need it.
- High Volume Processing
- Direct Debit Lodgement
- Direct Debit Donation Collection
- Direct Debit Returns
- Donation Failure Resolution
- Payment Schedule Generation
- Integrated Donor Payment History
- Manual and Automated Approval
- Integration with any Bank
- Reduce Costs by removing dependencies on third-party payment processors
- Improve efficiency with automation
- Reduce Failed Donation Payments
- Improve Donor Satisfaction
- Easy customisation of processing rules
- Real-Time Dashboards to monitor payment collection and failures
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