EY Grants Accelerator

oleh EY Global

Accelerate citizen outcomes with efficient grants management

Solution Overview

EY Grants Accelerator (EYGA) helps governments get critical funding out to their communities quickly during times of crisis, with a host of features including world-class economic and financial policy design, fraud detection, cybersecurity, risk, and program management, and digital product development knowledge. Supporting a wide variety of use cases throughout federal, state, and local governments, EYGA provides a rapidly deployable integrated solution for managing the broad grants disbursement process and monitoring from a single platform.

Solution Benefits

  • Helps avoid administrative failures, negative press coverage and, reputational damage caused by assistance delays experienced by other states/counties
  • Improves transparency and visibility of broad-based application process and reliable near-time reporting
  • Increases “surge capacity” for clients during the crisis, acting as a trusted advisor rather than in a transactional capacity
  • Reduces negative audit and claw back risk by guiding client officials on how to design and provide COVID-19 financial relief programs, capturing reliable data on   applicants and, supporting compliance through easy-to-use application and call center support
  • Achieves a meaningful impact on residents who receive funding or information about the disbursement efforts
