Hallo Werk

oleh Next2Digital B.V.

Unlocking labor market potential for everyone! 

This application is available only in Dutch. There is a shortage in the job market. Employers are having trouble filling their vacancies. Meanwhile there are still many unemployed people dependent on welfare. These people are mostly invisible to employers.

HalloWerk! is a matching platform for municipalities that directly connects people with a distance to the labor market with employers.
Why customers use HalloWerkSecurity & privacy

  • Safe and encrypted communication and collaboration in the Microsoft Azure Cloud.
  • Manage who sees what through granular rights and roles management.Scalability
  • Easily scale up or down depending on your organizational needs
  • Involve external companies, apps and services through our API interfaces.

Office productivity & mobility

  • Possibility to connect with Microsoft Offfice 365 apps such as Microsoft Teams, Power BI, Excel, and many more
  • Allow your employees to collaborate across organizations from wherever they want, based on your own policy restrictions

Economic & social impact

  • Reduced expenditures on social security
  • Reduced productivity loss in the employers workspace
  • Increased efficiency in social security procedures
