Valuelenz Video Shopping (remote)
Retailers offer the in-store experience just with a video call, from the comfort of anywhere.
Retailers offer the best of physical and digital worlds, to boost shopping confidence, combined with the convenience of digital shopping.
Usually, e-shoppers:
· Cannot easily assess products of interest (size, color, quality, etc).
· Don’t have time to go through product reviews and customer feedback
· Aren’t sure about the ‘right’ product among long lists of search results
· Aren’t certain about the product return policy
With Valuelenz Video Shopping, remote consumers can connect via the embedded video call with the retailer’s salespeople and receive guidance, expert advice, and inspiration. The salesperson, using Valuelenz, shops and even gets personal offers on behalf of the consumer, and then forwards the digital basket, ready for purchase. The consumer opens the incoming message (e.g. SMS, email, Viber) with the included basket, and proceeds to checkout and payment.
Consumers can finally enjoy the convenience and speed of e-shopping combined with the confidence of physical shopping, in a seamless unified experience.
The retailer extends the geographical coverage of the brand, serving remote consumers as if they were in-store. Better customer service, with less cost than operating numerous physical stores at various locations. Most importantly, the retailer can differentiate from e-commerce and dark store competition, that primarily relies on reducing prices to win some business. On the contrary, with Valuelenz Video Shopping the retailer enjoys increased revenues with higher average basket value and profit.
Valuelenz Video Shopping is great for retailers of any size. It can be quickly deployed without any effort by the retailer, and easily managed and operated. It has proven itself in production, boosting sales (avg. basket value and profit) and customer loyalty in retail sectors like Fashion, Cosmetics, Consumer Electronics, and Home & Accessories.
Valuelenz is also localized in 26 languages, so that consumers can instantly select the language of their preference for their shopping.
Valuelenz Video Shopping is a product within the Valuelenz hybrid commerce platform. Valuelenz is the only omni-context platform that facilitates phygital shopping, both in-store and remotely, both self-service and with assistance. The platform includes the following SaaS products:
· Autonomous Shopping
· Clienteling
· Anyplace Shopping
· Video Shopping, and
· Inclusion, coupled with personal offers, incentives and rewards, as well as self-checkout.