Power Platform Innovation: 6-hour Workshop

Catapult Systems, LLC

Catapult's Power Platform Innovation Workshop ensures you know how, where, and why to take your next step with Microsoft’s Power Platform tools: Power Apps, Power Automate, and Power BI.

Catapult's two to three hour co-creation, in-person workshop is a first step toward understanding if the Power Platform, including Power BI, Power Apps, and Power Automate, can help you meet your priorities and help you identify the best way to build velocity in this journey. At the end the workshop, Catapult will deliver an executive summary with next steps.

1) Kick-off

  • Introductions
  • What are your expectations?
  • What we know about you and your business
  • Where are you in your Power Platform journey?
  • Innovation & Ideation

  • Catapult and customer explore business needs and co-ideate on scenarios to address those needs.
  • Prioritization & Next Steps

  • Catapult and customer collaborate to prioritize ideas and scenarios
  • Who Should Attend: The Innovation Workshop only works if the right team members participate. Attendee roles:

  • **Problem Owner** — responsible for outcome(s) of business unit(s) and understands the core goals and metrics by which success is measured.
  • **Expert Practitioner** — deeply understands and is involved in key operations and processes, and how they are measured.
  • *Estimated pricing based on customer size and project scope.

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