Securing and Hardening Your On-Premises IT Environment: 7-Days Professional Service

IT Partner LLC

Enhance on-premises and Microsoft 365 IT security with tailored best practices, leveraging our varied workload expertise for a safer, robust infrastructure.

We specialize in making your on-premises and Microsoft 365 environment safer and more secure. Our professional services support you in getting started or extending your use of Microsoft 365.

IT Partner responsibilities:

  • Analyze IT infrastructure
  • Implement Privileged Access Workstations
  • Enforce Multi-Factor Authentication
  • Manage administrative access securely
  • Control and limit endpoint access
  • Encrypt virtual disks and storage
  • Ensure operating system management
  • Configure firewall and network settings
  • Review update policy and software

Client responsibilities:

  • Coordinate with a dedicated point of contact
  • Configure networking equipment
  • Provide access to servers and systems

Outside the scope of this project:

  • Migration and deployment

Upon project completion, we deliver a comprehensive closeout report, ensuring evidence of meeting acceptance criteria and final budget adherence.


The plan, tailored to your needs, includes:

  • Kickoff meeting
  • On-premises health check
  • Initiate securing process
  • Verify changes
  • Finalize changes
  • Post-assessment tasks, if any


Attain a more secure on-premises and Microsoft 365 environment following best practices.

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