Dynamics 365 for business consulting: 2hr briefing

proMX AG

A free briefing for business consultancies about using Microsoft Dynamics 365 technologies to eliminate media disruptions and discover the full potential of digital transformation.

What will we show you?

  • How to create smooth processes that will have a positive impact on your reaction time and on-deadline project delivery
  • How to use the right tools to better plan capacities, conclude projects more quickly and minimize your business travel needs
  • How to expand your portfolio with webinars, video conferences and other digital offers for attracting new customers
  • How to improve your marketing and communications
  • How to work productively and transparently within your own team
What will you learn?
  • If and how Dynamics 365 meets your requirements
  • How to customize the system
  • What costs you need to expect
  • How Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning are part of Dynamics 365 and which features meet your companies or organizations needs (e. g. chat bot, spam detection, inventory management)
What challenges are you facing?

Disruptions in media can become a problem for business consultancies. Share your expectations and requirements with us – our experts will gladly answer your questions in a free briefing!

Why is proMX the right choice for business consultancies?

Whether it is fire safety engineering or lean management: We have successfully united the processes of companies in different industries into one system and made them simpler.

We assist you in deploying new software solutions, adapting them to your needs and offer you reliable technical support.

After you contact us via AppSource, we will call you to clarify important questions before organizing a demo session or a webinar.

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