Dynamic FRM - Formula and Recipe Management
di New Dynamic, LLC
Food & Beverage PLM Tool Accelerating Compliance, Collaboration and Go to Market Strategies
Proven Product Lifecycle Management Comprehensive Solution Trusted by Food and Beverage Manufacturers
Effectively and efficiently managing product data at all levels is becoming more challenging in the food and beverage industry. Many companies find product information in spreadsheets, emails and/or other systems managed by disconnected teams. Dynamic FRM™ facilitates cross-collaboration and communication across users and departments helping achieve best practices, eliminate business process inefficiencies and accelerate time to market.
Built on Microsoft Dynamics 365 cloud-based platform, Dynamic FRM takes on product lifecycle challenges in an easy-to-use interface similar to other Microsoft products. It offers robust functionality in a compressed timeline compared to typical software deployments & the Microsoft cloud subscription model provides a more affordable, easy to manage approach.
• Oversee product attributes throughout the product lifecycle from raw and packaging materials to formulas & finished goods.
• Achieve bill of material (BOM) traceability at all levels.
• Manage all packaging attributes including colors, images, case and pallet patterns & other specifications.
• Utilize role-based security and experience based on your business needs.
• Govern change through workflow routing & mass change ability with a single request.
• Realize business insights through dashboards, built-in reports & Power BI compatibility.
• Leverage native integration with Microsoft Office tools.
• Capitalize on built-in connections with Genesis R&D® nutrition & the USDA FoodData Central database.
• Gain transparency into changes made, who is making them & why.
• Collaborate through the full product development cycle with a robust project management tool.
Check out this article at the following link to learn more about Dynamic FRM.
Take a test drive of Dynamic FRM or contact us today to learn more.