SCOM Connector

di OpsLogix - Publisher

Use Microsoft Teams to manage your SCOM Alerts

The SCOM connector helps you to manage SCOM alerts by using a bi-directional connection between Microsoft Teams and SCOM. When a new SCOM alert is generated it will appear in a Microsoft Teams Channel, the members of the Microsoft Teams Channel can collaborate on resolving an alert by using all the collaborative tools available in Microsoft Teams. Because the alerts forwarded to Microsoft Teams are context sensitive, it is easy to have conversations and meetings in an alert thread. The forwarded alert in Microsoft Teams also contains a wealth of information like you would see in your Operations Manager Console. The great part is that you do not need to open SCOM to view performance data or update the status of an alert, this can be seamlessly done in the SCOM Connector. Want to give it a test run? Use the free version and experience what it is like to truly collaborate on solving issues in your IT environment. Please click [here]( to find out more about the connector and how to sign up for an account.

Funzionalità dell'app

Quando questa app viene usata,
  • Può inviare dati tramite Internet
  • Questa app può accedere alle informazioni personali nel messaggio attivo, ad esempio numeri di telefono, indirizzi postali o URL. L'app può inviare i dati a un servizio di terze parti. Non è possibile leggere o modificare altri elementi presenti nella cassetta postale dell'utente.

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