Craydec Timelines

di Craydec Oy

(5 valutazioni)
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Visualize dates and times (or numbers) with gantt or rote style. Simple. Effective. Easy to use.

Plan and track equipment, people, or anything up to millisecond precision. Find gaps and overlaps from time based data (instead of dates and/or times you can also use plain numbers as start and end). View your time (or number) based data as timeline. Possible use cases: 1) Plan and track use of equipment 2) Plan and track roster 3) Plan and track production line data Free vs. full version: Free version contains basic functionality. With a license, you can unlock all the features. Get a license from our store: Trial also available. *** Usage: *** Select mandatory mandatory data roles: entity (one or more) and start (date). You can optionally add colors, overlay text, pattern, and end (date). Rows are created for unique combinations for data role 'entity' values. If single entity row contains multiple data values, they all are shown in a single line. *** New features (license required): *** * Floating x-axis and legend * You can select whether the x-axis is shown below the data or at the bottom of the viewport. You can select where the legend should be, on the top of data or the top of the viewport. * Brush selection and Multiselect Tool * Choose whether data is selected by brushing, by multiselect tool, or not at all. * Sorting * Report designer can select the default sort order. Sorting can be defined by framework, or using any entity data roles. * Colors * Color can be assigned from data, and it will persist when published. * Overlay text * Overlay text can be assigned. * Patterns * Different patterns can be used to indicate differences in data. * Drill-through * Standard Power BI drill-through is supported. * Date localization in x-axis * X-axis labels can be localized and highly customized in the x-axis. * Link * Link can be opened by clicking a data point. A link can be assigned using data role.

Funzionalità visive

Se usato, questo oggetto visivo:
  • Può accedere a servizi o risorse esterne

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