Columbus Catalyst, 1-day Envisioning Workshop

UAB Columbus Lietuva

Build, plan, and execute business transformation strategies with a proven, innovative approach from Microsoft Catalyst

Now more than ever it is important for businesses not only to ensure growth but its continuity, sustainability, and stability as well. Companies need to ensure tools to empower their employees to work remotely and innovative digital solutions ensuring data-driven decision making. Build your transformation strategy with Columbus Catalyst consultancy service is a proven and powerful approach to innovation.

The starting point for Catalyst program – Envisioning workshops. During these workshops, you will have a chance to meet our functional experts who shall review your short and long-term business objectives, followed by mutual discovery and visualization of solutions, ending with a clear roadmap and jointly define how to step-by-step enable the digital transformation of your organization.`

As part of Catalyst, meet with Columbus experts and run an envisioning workshop, where we can ideate together using design-led thinking concepts and jointly define how to enable the digital transformation of your organization. This one-day briefing starts with a review of your business objectives, followed by mutual discovery and visualization of solutions, ending with a clear, actionable picture of how we can help you reach your business goals.

Columbus and Microsoft are committed to you as a customer to discover your company's full digital potential and reach your business goals. As part of this commitment this offer may be eligible for Microsoft funding up to 100% of the value of the offer, depending on the scope of the activities.

About Columbus: Columbus is a global IT services and consulting company with more than 2,000 employees serving our customers worldwide. We bring digital transformation into your business, help maximize your value chain, and position you to thrive far into the future. Columbus company group's main fields of expertise is Manufacturing, Food, Finance, Leasing, Retail & Distribution.
