Hungarian Language (Hungary)
作成者: AppVision Kft.
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Hungarian language pack for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
Execute business processes in your native language
You can easily navigate in Business Central using the Hungarian language app. This pack contains the translation of the the fields, actions, labels and tooltips which help users unblock themselves by providing an answer to their most likely questions.
Hungarian language is one of Our localization apps for Hungary. If you are interested in the Hungarian regulations related functions, check out our Localization apps:
Features and benefits:
- Easy installation
- Full user experience in Hungarian language
- Built-in quick assistance using tooltips
- Smooth switch between other languages
- Contains the translations for the Base app, System app, Business Foundation app and for the standard extensions
Supported editions:
This extension supports both the Essential and Premium editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Supported countries:
Available in all countries and regions where Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is available.
Supported Languages
The app is available in Hungarian (Hungary).
AppVision Kft. のその他のアプリ
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