Emma: E-Mail-Mood-Analyzer

作成者: FHindustries

(9 評価)

Sentiment analysis and text mining for emails by Emma.

Emma is your personal e-mail-mood-analyzer. Emma is an expert for sentiment analysis and text mining. As your personal assistant Emma will tell you if an email is positive or negative. No matter if you are writing an email or if you receive an email. By detecting the emotions of the text she will support your daily business. Emma will tell you the intention of a customer if you get an email. She will support you if you write him back and want to be sure that your customer understands you. Just by clicking a button she starts to analyze the entire text and tell you everything you need to know. Emma can understand three languages. She knows English, Spanish and French. Even irony detection is no problem for her. If you have written email you will never have to fear that your opponent will not understand you. If you are not sure if your customer is happy or not. Just use the help of Emma. She will tell you if your customer is satisfied.


  • Analyze sentiment of incoming mails
  • Analyze sentiment of outgoing mails
  • Irony detection
  • Quick view outgoing mails

Supported languages:

  • English
  • Spanish
  • French

Try other languages and report to us.


  • インターネット経由でデータを送信できます
  • このアプリは、送信者や受信者の名前、メール アドレス、メッセージ本文、添付ファイルの情報など、アクティブなメッセージの個人情報にアクセスできます。アプリがこのデータをサード パーティ サービスに送信する可能性もあります。メールボックス内の他のアイテムを読み取ったり、変更したりすることはできません。
