Blackbaud for Outlook

作成者: Blackbaud, Inc.

(40 評価)

View constituent information and create email actions with Blackbaud.

Blackbaud continually aims to empower its users to spend less time in the office and more time on their mission. The Blackbaud Outlook integration does just that by streamlining the process for creating actions and allowing users to have exactly the constituent information and context they need while interacting with their constituents through Outlook. Fundraisers will now be able to view valuable constituent information, such as contact information, details related to their giving history, and current prospect status, directly within Outlook while reading and composing emails. Fundraisers will also be able to add the email content to email actions for their constituents with a handful of clicks, with no typing or copying of data required. Standard fields are defaulted in, such as interaction direction and completed date, and the body of your email is automatically copied into the notes of the action, with no manual intervention required (while still providing the option to go in and edit if so desired).

*You must be an existing Blackbaud customer in order to use this add-in


  • インターネット経由でデータを送信できます
  • このアプリは、本文、件名、送信者、受信者、添付ファイルの情報など、アクティブなメッセージの個人情報にアクセスして変更できます。このデータをサード パーティ サービスに送信する可能性もあります。メールボックス内の他のアイテムを読み取ったり、変更したりすることはできません。
