Envoy for Outlook

䜜成者: Envoy

(2 評䟡)

Invite visitors in Envoy without leaving Outlook

From people to packages, Envoy helps you handle everything that comes through your office front door. As the leader in visitor management, Envoy Visitors makes welcoming visitors into your workplace seamless and secure.

With Envoy for Outlook, you can schedule a meeting in Outlook and invite any guests in Envoy without needing to switch tools.

Benefits of Envoy for Outlook:

  • The Envoy add-in lives in the toolbar, so it's easy to remember to invite visitors in Envoy.
  • Add all the information you need to invite a guest—there’s no need to switch tools or complete additional steps to later.
  • Invite everyone on an email thread in one go, or just certain people.

How it works:

  • Start by installing the Envoy for Outlook add-In.
  • Create a new meeting and click on the new Envoy icon in your taskbar.
  • Select the location of the visit and the visitor type.
  • Choose which people in the meeting you want to invite.

  • Click “Create invite” to make it official.


Envoy for Outlook works with most versions of Outlook that allow add-ins for Office: Outlook Web App and Office 2016 for Windows and Mac.

You must have an Envoy account and an Office 365 Commercial subscription. On-premises Exchange Server is not supported.

You will need to be on Envoy’s Premium or Enterprise plan to use Envoy for Outlook.


  • むンタヌネット経由でデヌタを送信できたす
  • このアプリは、本文、件名、送信者、受信者、添付ファむルの情報など、アクティブなメッセヌゞの個人情報にアクセスしお倉曎できたす。このデヌタをサヌド パヌティ サヌビスに送信する可胜性もありたす。メヌルボックス内の他のアむテムを読み取ったり、倉曎したりするこずはできたせん。
