Birthday Reminder HBM

作成者: HB Munich GmbH

Never miss your colleagues' birthdays again. Use birthdays from Delve-Profile or SharePoint-List

Use information from your employee Delve-Profiles and/or custom SharePoint Lists to view current, upcoming, and recent birthdays or namedays.

Call colleagues directly or use the Microsoft Teams chat or Mail.

You can generate an ICS calendar entry to get a outlook reminder.


  • Four themes are available (based on MS themes)
  • Number of birthdays displayed
  • Number of upcoming and recent birthdays
  • Datasource: Delve-Profile or SharePoint List

Technical requirements

If you use the Delve-Profile as datasource the WebPart requires a minimal adjustment in the tenant's search settings.

You need to set a managed property in managed search schema for the birthday dates from the Delve-profile. You can find instructions on how to do this in the app itself.

However, the app can also be tested with List Data or demo data without this search setting.

Technical details

  • SPFX WebPart / App
  • SPFx components: Web part, Full Page, Teams Tab

License information

You can use the WebPart for free. The range of functions of the free version is limited to the number of employees (two) displayed and adverts banner is shown.

The app offers app-in purchases so that you can switch to our adverts-free or premium version. To do this, contact our support (the links are linked in our app)
