InTouch for Outlook
作成者: Click 19 Ltd T/A InTouch
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Attach emails directly from Outlook to the relevant matter on InTouch.
Using the InTouch add-in you can now streamline the process of attaching emails from Outlook to their InTouch matter. With just a few clicks you can select an email and upload its contents and attachments straight to the matter!
Furthermore, we have made it easier than ever to compose new emails; using the add-in you can select relevant stakeholders and files on a matter and attach them to an email without ever leaving Outlook. Sent emails created using the add-in will also automatically attach themselves to the relevant matter.
To use this add-in you are required have already signed up to use InTouch's Platform.
- インターネット経由でデータを送信できます
- このアプリは、本文、件名、送信者、受信者、添付ファイルの情報など、アクティブなメッセージの個人情報にアクセスして変更できます。このデータをサード パーティ サービスに送信する可能性もあります。メールボックス内の他のアイテムを読み取ったり、変更したりすることはできません。