
䜜成者: Pragmatica

Surface knowledge from across your business with a single plug-in, giving instant support to client

Achieve more with less effort using Pragma's AI Assistant

Are you tired of spending hours trying to find the right answers to customer questions or struggling to craft the perfect outreach message?

Pragma.AI is here to help.

★ Add FAQs, capture what customers are asking (Gong, Slack), and easily access internally asked questions and knowledge (Notion, GDrive and more).

★ Build a library of the most used answers and outreach messages, so your team can respond to customer inquiries quickly and consistently.

★ Improve your writing skills by using our rephrasing features

★ Quickly and easily create messages by describing them, so you can focus on more important tasks and achieve better results.

★ Get AI-based auto-reply suggestions to incoming emails

★ Ask questions on top of your knowledge base (Notion)

Try it now!

7 day free trial and $19.99 per month per user


  • むンタヌネット経由でデヌタを送信できたす
  • このアプリは、本文、件名、送信者、受信者、添付ファむルの情報など、アクティブなメッセヌゞの個人情報にアクセスしお倉曎できたす。このデヌタをサヌド パヌティ サヌビスに送信する可胜性もありたす。メヌルボックス内の他のアむテムを読み取ったり、倉曎したりするこずはできたせん。
