Category Comparison Bar Chart

䜜成者: Datanauts

Microsoft PBI Certified
(4 評䟡)

The Bar Chart you've probably never seen before

The Category Comparison Bar Chart was developed to offer more options for comparing data for all Power BI users.


The visual has many features put together that can help visualize and understand your data.

  • The comparison area is the space where you focus your analysis on one category
  • The differences show your selected category in comparison to the other categories
  • The brush is a powerful feature that allows seeing the entire dataset you're analyzing. For example, it helps to see if a distribution has a long tail or if it's rather normally distributed. It also allows easy navigation if you want to focus on a subgroup of your data
  • The analytics is the place where you supercharge your analysis with easy to add metrics like average, median, percentiles and constant lines that can be used as targets or goals


Some possible use cases:

  • Comparing sales performance across teams
  • Comparing financials across business units
  • Comparing actuals vs. targets
  • Comparing performance vs. goals


The visual offers lots of customization options.

  • The main differentiator of this bar chart is the ability to choose a category and compare it to the others
  • You have a search field embedded in the visual itself
  • You have a brush that helps with selecting a portion of your dataset and also visualize its the entire distribution
  • You have an analytics section very similar with the analytics pane of the native Power BI line chart


The Brush is a handy feature that helps navigate, select and see all the categories and their distribution. Double click to select all.

The Search helps you find your desired category for analysis.

The Analytics section lets you add more comparable dimensions, like targets and goals as constant values or average, median and percentiles.

  • Minimum, maximum, average, median, and percentiles calculate automatically and dynamically based on the categories selected. Moving the brush or changing the metric will update these analytics
  • Above / below numbers show how many categories are above and below the given analytics
  • Hovering over the analytics label will show the differences of each category to the analytics.
  • Clicking on the analytics label will fix an overlay and the differences over each category


Important The Category Comparison Bar Chart comes together with the Multi Line Chart With Tooltips. 
For the same price and with the same license, you get access to 2 of the most powerful line and bar charts in the Power BI marketplace. To learn more, visit

Please note that the free version of the visual has limited capabilities but we offer free trial licenses.

To get a license for both Category Comparison Bar Chart and the Multi Line Chart With Tooltips visit


このビゞュアルは、Power BI によっお認定されおいたす
