作成者: oqdo
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oqdo.bos is a digtial building platform to integrate, optimize and operate all your buildings
Digital building operations are the future, and you can be part of it.
We’re oqdo and we’re here to help you bring your building(s) into the digital age. We know that operating a building is hard enough—you have to keep up with all the technology, from HVAC to energy usage, and that’s just on top of keeping up with operations like maintenance and security. That’s why we offer a full suite of services: we oversee all aspects of your facility, so you don’t have to worry about anything other than running your business.
You can rest easy knowing that our team of experts will handle the hard stuff for you. We make sure that your systems are always operating at peak efficiency by using data analysis tools and artificial intelligence algorithms. We also provide access to real-time information so that you can spot problems before they happen and fix them before they become disasters.
With our digital building platform, you'll be able to:
• Operate your building(s) more efficiently.
• Make better decisions based on real-time insights.
• Control your HVAC and other systems remotely from everywhere around the globe.
• Optimize energy use with better insights.
And best of all? It's easy to start –plug & play. Get our IoT Edge Device, connect it to your BACnet Devices and model your unstructured Data to a structured App with just a few clicks!
No need for big investments. Just pay for what you use and need on a monthly base.
In order to create a future proof, state of the art digital building platform we were clear from the beginning that elastic scalability, security and future ready tools to drive innovation is crucial. That’s why we have chosen Microsoft Azure as our platform of choice with all its incredible features for running Microservices, IoT Solutions, Authentication, Data Storage, Realtime Analytics and AI.