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U.S. Transactions Corp.
Applicable to:
Business Central
Credit card and ACH/eCheck for Business Central with freedom to choose from 120+ processors
7 out of 10
Amazon Dynamics 365 Business Central Integration
Folio3 Software Inc.,
Applicable to:
Business Central
Sync orders, products, inventory & more by connecting your Amazon store(s) with Dynamics 365
8 out of 10
Magento Dynamics 365 Business Central Integration
Folio3 Software Inc.,
Applicable to:
Business Central
Sync orders, products & more by connecting your Magento store(s) with Dynamics 365
9 out of 10
Magento Connector for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fin & Ops
Folio3 Software Inc.,
Applicable to:
Supply Chain Management
Integrate your Magento store with Microsoft Dynamic 365 Finance and Operations in real-time
10 out of 10
Amazon Integration for Dynamics 365 Business Central
Celigo Inc - CA, USA
Applicable to:
Business Central
Fully automate synching orders, customers, inventory, fulfillment and more with Amazon marketplaces
1 out of 10
Vendor Portal for Dynamics 365 Business Central
Dynamics eShop Inc.
Applicable to:
Business Central
Real-time collaborative Vendor & Supplier platform for Microsoft Dynamics 365
(10 등급)
2 out of 10
WooCommerce Dynamics 365 Integration
Folio3 Software Inc.,
Applicable to:
Business Central
Sync orders, products, inventory & more by connecting your WooCommerce store(s) with Dynamics 365
3 out of 10
Sana Commerce (NA)
Sana Commerce
Applicable to:
Business Central
Make Dynamics 365 Business Central and e-commerce work as one. This trial is available in NA.
(125 등급)
4 out of 10
Versapay Payments NA
Applicable to:
Business Central
Drive Efficiency and Cash Flow with Seamless Payments Integration (North American Version)