Identity Protection

Communication Square LLC

This comprehensive 4-week program integrates Identity Protection flawlessly into your existing infrastructure, with focused training to boost security efficiency.

If you're concerned about safeguarding your business's digital presence, Communication Square’s Microsoft Identity Protection Service is your ultimate defense.


Upon partnering with Communication Square, our team will require access to your current environment and a Microsoft 365 subscription (existing or one we can provision). A Microsoft Certified Consultant will conduct a thorough assessment, leading to a robust deployment of Identity Protection strategies tailored to your business needs.


• Enhanced Digital Identity Safeguards: Utilize Microsoft 365's advanced security features to protect against unauthorized access and identity fraud.

• Scalable Security Solutions: Custom-fit for SMBs, ensuring your digital identity protection grows with your business.

• Proactive Defense Measures: Beyond defensive tactics, we manage identity access to prevent potential threats effectively.

• Implementation of Least Privilege Access: Restricts user access to essential services, significantly reducing risk exposure.

• Emergency Access Accounts Setup: Establishes secure, cloud-only emergency access with FIDO2 keys.

• Conditional Access Policies: Applies Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) across all accounts, bolstering your defenses.

• Blocking Legacy Authentication: Secures your systems by eliminating outdated and vulnerable access points.

• Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR): Streamlines password resets, enhancing operational efficiency.

• Azure AD Customization for Passwordless Sign-In: Leverages Azure AD and Microsoft Authenticator for seamless and secure user access.

• Comprehensive Report & Presentation: Detailed insights and recommendations presented to your management and IT staff.

• 1-Year Complimentary Ongoing SLA Support: Offered to clients purchasing Microsoft Licensing through Communication Square.

Secure your enterprise's digital identity and protect against sophisticated cyber threats with our Identity Protection Service. For a flat fee of USD 500, empower your business with unmatched security and peace of mind.

###About Communication Square

As a Microsoft Partner boasting 10 Gold Servers, Communication Square is your trusted ally in navigating the complex digital landscape. Our commitment to delivering tailored solutions ensures your business is not only protected but also prepared for the future.

###Why Choose Us?

Microsoft Cloud Expertise: Leverage our in-depth knowledge in Microsoft cloud technologies for advanced identity protection.

Customized Security Approach: Every business is unique, and so are its security needs. Our services are designed to meet your specific requirements.

Holistic Service Coverage: From strategy development to execution, we provide a comprehensive suite of services without hidden costs or the need for additional investments.

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