OnActuate Performance Testing Toolkit: 6-Wk Implementation

Onactuate Consulting Inc

Reduce risks and enhance system quality and reliability in just 6 weeks.

Test your User Interface (UI) and Application Programming Interface (API) performance in Microsoft Dynamics 365 with JMeter implemented by OnActuate to ensure seamless business processes and prepare for future growth without the headaches of excessive manual work.

Implementation phases and estimated timeline:

Week 1: Understand customer key processes; Design test plan for 25 key processes; Create initial test cases

Weeks 2-4: Develop and refine test cases; Integrate test cases into the test plan; Test and troubleshoot the test plan

Weeks 5-6: Customer addresses performance issues; Fine-tune test plan and conduct final testing; Handoff to customer

*Price will be estimated based on scope of work."

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