Connected Schools Solution: 3 Week Fit-Gap Assessment


3 Week Fit-Gap Assessment of the schools technology ecosystem and requirements to determine the applicability of the Connected Schools Solution and estimate the cost and timeline of implementation.

At present, too many schools piece together their own technology jigsaw puzzle. Integrated and flexible technology solutions like the Connected School Solution, jointly developed with Microsoft and Education Experts from across the globe, will help solve this problem.

Benefits of Connected Schools Solution: Cyber safe and secure: Protected, resilient and certified, with centralised controls for security and consistency Enterprise data led insights: Enabling insights by the single data model across the customer ecosystem will drive improvement and clear policy outcomes Connected and collaborative learning communities: Nextgen digital technologies connecting people and data through intelligent insights to enhance learning, teaching and administration An industry cloud solution, with modular architecture: Mobile, flexible, accessible and with integrations for best in class partners, that will significantly reduce total costs of ownership

3 Week Fit-Gap Assessment

Connected Schools 3 Week Fit Gap Assessment deliverables:

  1. Executive report and presentation with assessment findings of your schools technology ecosystem and requirements to determine the applicability of the Connected Schools Solution and estimate the cost and timeline of implementation.
  2. A roadmap to achieve future state
  3. Highlights for implementation, measurement system, data visualization requirements and personalisation requirements.
  4. Proposal for ongoing Managed Service based on priorities

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