VisionPLM Integration for Dynamics


Integration between VisionPLM for Fashion and Dynamics for Finance & Operations / Business Central

  • As the fashion industry resets post Covid-19, digitization of product development and sourcing to drive increased speed and efficiency will be key to surviving the inevitable Darwinian shakeout and winning the recovery.
  • VisionPLM is a flexible, scalable cloud-based solution developed specifically for SMC fashion brands, retailers, sourcing companies and manufacturers, and configured to reflect industry best practice and business requirements.
  • VisionPLM replaces inefficient, slow and error-prone manual processes and disconnected systems, supporting the streamlining and integration of key business processes, from design, material and product development, to supplier capacity management, order allocation and purchase order tracking. This results in significant improvements in visibility, coordination and control, across the business and with supply chain partner.
  • Ultimately, Vision PLM increases the speed and efficiency of design, product development and sourcing, which is so critical to maximising sales and margin.
  • Optimised for deployment on Azure, and available on a subscription (SaaS) basis, with fast start implementation, VisionPLM can be fully operational and driving business benefits in as little as 4 weeks with a secure, performant, cost effective and scalable solution. 
  • The power of VisionPLM is further enhanced by taking advantage of our seamless integration with Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations or Business Central, removing data silos with real time exchange of data, and providing the business insights you need to drive improved end-to end operational and financial performance.

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