
Reliance Infosystems에 의해

YummieZone comprises of a meal menu for employees as well as a variety of food vendors where employe

The availability of meals in an organization's canteen is one of the major impetus an employee can receive from any employer. To have zero worries on the decision-making of meals or the food vendor required to provide the meal without causing a starin to the logistics input is a dream come true to any employee as well as the employer. YummieZone is a complete solution for meal ordering for employees within an organization with an intelligent meal order management system. YummieZone comprises of a meal menu for employees as well as a variety of food vendors where employees can make their choice and a dashboard where employees can view the history of their orders. YummieZone is built on a reliable and high-performance stack with strong extraneous integration and options for empowering the application platform for meal ordering and delivery within an organization.

1. Monitoring employees' expenses incurred in real time​

2. Quick stress-free meal delivery ​

3. Ability for employees to order for meals anywhere and anytime​​

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