Translit RSI


Add live interpretation to any Microsoft Teams meeting or event with Translit RSI.

Powered by the largest network of professional interpreters with expertise in 200+ languages, Translit RSI provides 24/7 access to over 20,000 certified interpreters for on-demand booking and streamlined logistics via a native integration, for your Microsoft Teams meetings and events.

Translit RSI has already accumulated over 1 million minutes of usage and can facilitate communication through multilingual interpretation between clients, partners, and employees; enabling better understanding between individuals and businesses.

With Translit's RSI app on Microsoft Teams, you can seamlessly add live interpretation into your Microsoft Teams meeting or event.

Limitations - Translit RSI app is suitable for one-way communication only, attendees listen to the meeting in the languages provided by the meeting organiser. It is impossible to have 2-way communication where the attendees can ask questions in their preferred language.

Meeting organisers must have an active subscription to the Translit RSI app. You can get started by subscribing to the app here -

To set up a Microsoft Teams meeting with interpreters, contact -

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