
Wellbee SAS에 의해

Free yourself from email with Mailoop!

Improve your emails while controlling your disconnection time:

  • Want to express your feelings about communication in your company? Give feedback on the emails you receive!
  • Have a return on your emails and meetings without any risk? Consult your personal and confidential dashboard every month!
  • Need a concrete tool to controle your disconnection time? Set your Smart Deconnexion in 2 clicks!

How to use Mailoop?

  • Install the Mailoop addin for Outlook.
  • Open any email and click the button “Share with Mailoop”.
  • Make your first feedback.
  • View your confidential online report monthly.
  • Set your Smart Deconnexion settings from the dashboard interface.

You are now ready for continuous improvement in your digital communication! Enroll your collegues to change behaviors collectively. Contact us if you need team statistics or debriefing workshops!

Mailoop Analytics and Smart Deconnexion is available for free for a single user. Mailoop Feedback might need additional license to get teams statistics. Contact Mailoop Sales Team :

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  • 이 앱은 본문, 제목, 보낸 사람, 받는 사람, 첨부 파일 정보와 같은 활성 메시지의 개인 정보에 액세스하고 개인 정보를 수정할 수 있습니다. 이 앱은 이 데이터를 타사 서비스에 보낼 수도 있습니다. 사서함의 다른 항목은 읽거나 수정할 수 없습니다.

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