List data to Map에 의해

Display address data from a existing custom SharePoint list in a Map with further information.

The WebPart loads data from any SharePoint list and shows the provided (address-) data in a Map. Every custom list with address data fields can be used as data source. Address information will be resolved automatically to corresponding Latitude and Longitude points to add the point to the Map. To reduce the Map requests to resolve address information the received geo point information is saved back in the custom list. The WebPart contains optional featutes:

- Car Routing

- Bike Routing

- Routing by foot

- Public transportion information (Beta)

- Search for addresses

All listed features can be enabled separately.

When one of the routing features is activated the WebPart is able to query and display routes between two selected points. This is possible for Map point coming from the list and for Map points via search function.

Internally, the WebPart uses the Google map and some Google API functions. These APIs are necessary to resolve given pure address data - for example street, city, zip code etc. to geopoint coordinates (so-called geo-point information in the form of latitude and longitude). Only with this information it is possible to show the point on the Map. In case this geographical information is already known and available in the address list, the WebPart can also use the coordinate directly. The use of the Google API and the Google Map is only possible if a so-called API key is available. How to get such a key is explained in the extended documentation. Specifically, the following four APIs must be activated: Distance Matrix API, Maps JavaScript API, Geocoding API and the Directions API. The Google service can be used in developer mode. However, in order to be able to use the full functions, a productive key must be created. The costs that arise depend on the number of address resolutions and which functions (navigation / routing) are used and how often.

Please visit the following links for more information:

To use the full range of features - like resolving address information - it is necessary to enable billing on the APIs. Please consider the following link for more information about it:

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