
ahead AG에 의해

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Get and share news from ahead

ahead is the internal communications and employee experience platform that helps distributed workforces stay connected, engaged and inspired. Extend your organization’s communication channel with the ahead app for Microsoft Teams. Keep employees always informed by integrating ahead with the tools they already use.

New - Notifications bot

Get notifications in Microsoft Teams to keep up to date with the latest ahead News in your company. Stay focused and receive only news that are relevant to you.

New - Share ahead News to Microsoft Teams

Amplify ahead News by sharing them in Microsoft Teams. Now you can easily share content in Microsoft Teams chats: one-to-one, one-to-many and channels. Use the ahead app message extension included in the message compose box. Search for the title of the news you want to share, which will be displayed in a card.

ahead for Microsoft Teams is linked to the ahead app, where users can further read, react and comment.

Now you can easily share content between ahead and Microsoft Teams to maximize your communications across desk and non-desk workforces.

ahead for Microsoft Teams requires an ahead license for access. To get a trial license, please go to

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  • 이 앱은 전화번호, 주소 또는 URL과 같은 활성 메시지의 개인 정보에 액세스할 수 있습니다. 이 앱은 이 데이터를 타사 서비스에 보낼 수도 있습니다. 사서함의 다른 항목은 읽거나 수정할 수 없습니다.

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