Archie CRM for Outlook

Archie Europe B.V.에 의해

Integrate online and mobile Outlook clients with Archie CRM

Archie CRM for Outlook

Save your emails in Archie and easily retrieve them in the correct folders. Import email addresses from your Archie database. Address entire Archie mail groups with a single click or search for specific Archie users.

What is Archie CRM?

Archie CRM is a customer relationship management system, designed and continuously developed by our engineers at Archie Europe. As an extension to this system, we introduce Archie CRM for Outlook, allowing you to connect Archie CRM to any modern version of Microsoft Outlook: online, mobile, or your desktop client.

With Archie CRM for Outlook, you can:

- View your existing links (relationships) as cards with relevant contact information

- Save emails in your Archie database

- Select contacts from your Archie relationship management

- Use the Archie Address Book to select recipients when composing an email

- Check for connections when sending emails

- Email verification when sending:

- When you send an email, the add-in verifies if there is an active connection with Archie. If no connection exists, a notification will appear, allowing you to link the email or send it without linking. Only information necessary to archive your email traffic correctly in Archie CRM and keep your customer or relationship data up-to-date will be processed.


To use Archie CRM for Outlook, an active Archie CRM subscription is required.

For more information, see

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