Beyond Eyes Reservations

Beyond Eyes에 의해

(2 등급)

Easily find and book the most suitable room and link it to your appointment in Outlook.

Users of Beyond Eyes Reservations for booking (meeting) rooms can use this Outlook add-in to easily find and book an available room and link it to an appointment in Outlook. The add-in automatically searches for rooms that are available during the meeting. For every room you get insight in additional information such as the present amenities, the capacity and a photo. Use the filtering optioins to find the most suitable room for your appointment. And all of this is available right from Outlook!

Attention: This add-in can only be used if the organization you work for uses the Reservations add-in by Beyond Eyes for Outlook and if you received valid login credentials from your employer for Beyond Eyes Reservations. If you don't use Beyond Eyes Reservations, then it is also not possible to use this add-in. If you have any questions, you can contact the responsible person within your own organization.

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