Timeslider - Time tracking

Kolmuko Softwareentwicklung Thomas Müller & Sandro Könnecke GbR에 의해

(30 등급)

Time recording that does not require more clicks than absolutely necessary

Timeslider differs from other timesheets by its unique UI concept. The usage is easy to learn, times can be created and changed with a few clicks.

Customizable keywords allow a very flexible categorization of all time entries. Members of an organization can use common keywords.

Individually configurable dashboards offer a variety of options for evaluation.

CSV and Excel export provides the connectivity to external systems.

Timeslider is equally suitable for recording project times as well as working times of individual employees.

To use Timeslider, you need a account. Register for free at All functions are free for teams of up to three members. Find more information and a Get Started guide at

앱 기능

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  • 인터넷을 통해 데이터를 보낼 수 있음
  • 이 앱은 전화번호, 주소 또는 URL과 같은 활성 메시지의 개인 정보에 액세스할 수 있습니다. 이 앱은 이 데이터를 타사 서비스에 보낼 수도 있습니다. 사서함의 다른 항목은 읽거나 수정할 수 없습니다.

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