Mailsuite (formerly Mailtrack)

Mailtrack.io에 의해

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Email tracker for Outlook. Free and unlimited email tracking.

Free and unlimited tracking for Outlook. Mailsuite (formerly Mailtrack) is a personal email marketing tool.

Why should you use Mailsuite?

- Free email tracker for Outlook

- GDPR compliant

- Patented Technology

- Featured in Forbes, Mashable, Inc, Lifehacker…

- Used by professionals in: Uber, Indeed, Randstad, Keller Williams, Compass...

How to use our mail tracker?

- Install Mailsuite addin

- As you compose your email, access Mailsuite sidebar to enable tracking.

- Open your “Sent emails” folder to see read receipt status


- Higher open rates and response rates than any other email tracker

- Reach the inbox: With Mailsuite, your emails and newsletters are less likely to end up in promotions or spam

- Best deliverability for an email marketing tool

- Follow-up emails on time


✓ Free and unlimited email tracking. Track as many emails as you want!


- Job searches. Know whether your resume has been opened by recruiters.

- Sending quotes: See if your potential clients are interested in your product/service.

- Invoicing: Verify whether your invoice has been received or not.

- Cold emails: Measure the effectiveness of your cold outreach email campaigns.


The Mailtrack Company processes personal data in accordance with European Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016. Mailsuite Privacy Policy and Terms of Use comply fully with GDPR, which is the strictest privacy and security law in the world.

Mailsuite passes an audit by Google every year to ensure optimal security.

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  • 사용자가 전자 메일을 보냅니다.

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