100% Clustered Stacked Column Chart (Pro)

PBIVizEdit.com에 의해

Microsoft PBI Certified
(1 등급)
샘플 다운로드지침

To compare two numerical variables by category with each column further segmented by sub-categories

The conceptual idea with 100% Clustered Stacked Column Chart is to compare multiple data series grouped by a common category. Further compare individual segments or component parts within an individual column, where each column sums to 100%.

Common use cases-
Finance: Actual vs Budget/Forecast spend within a given month; Actual spend further segmented by spend type.
Sales and Marketing: Product lines contribution to its revenue, Current Year vs Prior Year, for different regions

This visual is free forever in Power BI Desktop.
Trial License:
Power BI web service, click on Buy now to get free trial license. For Other Power BI platforms, to get free trial license click here

Purchase License:
Power BI service (Power BI Pro)- Purchase license available in the Plans + Pricing tab. Power BI premium (A1 to A6 and P1 to P5 SKUs) - Purchase license from our website

  • Conditional color formatting
  • Modify column offset, width, color and transparency
  • Formatting with patterns
  • Custom label formatting
  • General Power BI features like tooltip page, drill down

PBIVizEdit is a powerful online tool to easily create Power BI custom visuals with simple mouse clicks in 15 mins. It also provides packages for ready-to-use custom visuals. To try our tool or to upgrade your single custom visual purchase to a package, visit our website at

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