Cyzag No-code Industrial Platform

Cyzag Limited에 의해

Transform Data into Action with AI: Empower Your Workforce for Operational & Industrial Efficiency

Empower Manufacturing Efficiency and Sustainability with Customisable Boards, Forms, Workflows, and Intelligent Task Management


Unlock the full potential of your manufacturing operations with our comprehensive Digital Manufacturing Platform. Seamlessly consolidate daily work processes, digitise workflows, and optimise task management to achieve your sustainability targets and maximise efficiency. Our platform is designed with the users in mind, offering a no-code solution that empowers manufacturers to drive operational efficiency and continuous improvement.

Experience a more efficient and productive workforce as you eliminate paper-based logbooks and manual processes. Customise forms and workflows using our intuitive designer, tailored to the unique manufacturing context. Capture critical data points accurately and create standardised templates to encourage consistency and reusability, all without the need for coding skills.

Key Features:

  1. Customisable Boards, Forms and Workflows: Tailor our platform to your unique manufacturing processes. Leverage our no-code solution to create custom boards, forms and workflows, ensuring seamless integration and optimal usability. Promote standardisation and enhance reusability without the complexities of coding.

  2. Manufacturing-Focused Form Controls: Capture manufacturing-specific data with precision using our comprehensive library of form controls. Barcode scanning, dropdown menus for equipment selection, quality checklists, and more—our platform equips you with the tools to streamline processes while maintaining standardisation.

  3. Workflow Automation: Automate routine tasks and workflows to eliminate manual intervention and reduce errors. Leverage standardised templates for workflows and tasks, promoting consistency and accelerating deployment. Increase efficiency and productivity by removing repetitive manual steps.

  4. Intelligent Task Management: Optimise task management with intelligent scheduling and real-time triggers. Schedule recurring tasks, create ad-hoc assignments, and generate tasks based on real-time data insights. Our platform ensures tasks are efficiently allocated and completed, driving productivity and maintaining standardisation.


  • Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity: Replace manual data entry and paperwork with digitised forms, automated workflows, and intelligent task management. Streamline processes, reduce errors, and save time, empowering your workforce to focus on value-added activities.

  • Manufacturing-Specific Data Capture: Leverage manufacturing-focused form controls and templates to capture critical data points accurately. Promote standardisation, improve data quality, and gain deeper insights into your operations.

  • Scalability and Reusability: Create templates of boards, forms, workflows, and tasks to encourage standardisation and reusability. Easily replicate successful solutions across departments and plants, accelerating implementation and achieving consistency.

  • Alignment and Collaboration: Customisable boards provide a centralised platform for aligning teams and promoting collaboration. Mash together use cases, foster knowledge sharing, and enable cross-functional visibility, driving efficiency and fostering a culture of standardisation.

Typical Use Cases and Templates:

  • Logbooks, Shift Handover, OEE and Process Diagrams
  • Meetings Boards (Morning meeting, Performance Review, Management Review)
  • Anomaly Detection
  • Task Management
  • Disturbance/Deviation Management
  • Root cause analysis (including popular tools like 5 Why, Ishikawa, Fault Tree Analysis)
  • Parameter Drill Down (with live, manual and calculated data)
  • Project Management (including A3 Problem Solving, Project Tracking, Idea Capture)

Unlock the full potential of your manufacturing operations with our Digital Manufacturing Platform.

Streamline processes, improve efficiency, and drive operational excellence with customisable forms, workflows, and intelligent task management. Experience the power of our no-code solution, empowering manufacturers to achieve standardisation and reusability without the complexities of coding. Start your digital transformation journey today and achieve sustainability targets and continuous improvement with ease.

Ask us about our Optimisation and Results Driven Manufacturing modules.

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