Dynamics Performance Scan

Kaya Consulting에 의해

The Dynamics Performance Scan helps you keep your Microsoft Dynamics AX system running smooth.

This application is available only in the Dutch, German and English language By monitoring over 50 key AX and SQL indicators, Kaya Consulting is able to effectively visualize the status of your system at a single glance and identify performance issues. The measured indicators range from low level hardware and SQL server indicators to high level AX batch and AIF service indicators. While these indicators are excessively technical, Kaya Consulting will reduce these complex counters to simple KPI scores on which you are able to act and see results within a day. This service is being delivered in the following three packages: - Bronze Rental Period 5 weeks Including 1 day (8 hours) installation and configuration consultancy Daily Scorecard report on that day's Dynamics AX status send by email 2nd and 3rd week - half time analysis half day (4 hours) together with a performance consultant including first advice and guidance 4th and 5th week - end time analysis half day (4 hours) together with a performance consultant including final advice management report - Silver Rental period 15 weeks Including 1 day (8 hours) installation and configuration consultancy Daily Scorecard report on that day's Dynamics AX status send by email 2nd and 3rd week - half time analysis half day (4 hours) together with a performance consultant including first advice and guidance 4th and 5th week - end time analysis half day (4 hours) together with a performance consultant including final advice management report In remaining period - 12 hours of consultancy spend on preferred subject - Gold Rental period 29 weeks Including 1 day (8 hours) installation and configuration consultancy Daily Scorecard report on that day's Dynamics AX status send by email 2nd and 3rd week - half time analysis half day (4 hours) together with a performance consultant including first advice and guidance 4th and 5th week - end time analysis half day (4 hours) together with a performance consultant including final advice management report In remaining period - 24 hours of consultancy spend on preferred subject

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