Digital Signature (DS)


eIDAS compliant signature solution.

NeoCheck offers  a global service that meets the highest requirements of the eIDAS Regulation, in this case through our partner ValidatedID. Our goal is your peace of mind.

Our strong network of partners and our certifications guarantee the qualification compliance of trusted electronic services, issuing qualified time stamps, digital signature and electronic invoices. We provide legal security, guarantee of neutrality and responsibility.

This, together with our Onboarding KYC services , with integrated biometric systems ensure the identity of an individual with the highest security standards. The most innovative technology with an artificial intelligence engine (deep learning) to guarantee Liveness Detection at the service of your company.

NeoCheck can facilitate businesses from various sectors including banks and financial industry, e-commerce industry, the insurance industry, fintech institutions, educational and healthcare platforms, government institutions, P2P market, blockchain and telecommunication industry.

Additionally, NeoCheck provides seamless and fast API integration with flexible pricing models including pay-as-you-go & monthly commitment, and a 7-day free trial option.

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