Dashboard Reporting

Syone에 의해

Syone solution covers from Infrastructure & Application Support to Business Management & Forecast.

From Application & Infrastructure, monitoring to Harbor Cargo Shipping or Shops occupancies Syone has implemented different solutions and approaches. Syone solution covers from Infrastructure & Application Support to Business Management & Forecast. The initial installation will capacitate our clients with a set of Dashboard and Reports. These can be extended following Business evolution.

How we do it - Syone Approach

In the latest years, Elastic Stack grew to become a standard for Audit and Log Management. The Elastic Stack is a versatile collection of open source software tools that simplifies data gathering and info insights generation. Syone Elastic Value Offer leverages the Elastic Stack to provide industry-oriented solutions.

What is Elastic Stack?

This collection of tools allows quick deployment of observability, monitoring and many more solutions: Logstash serves as a data processing pipeline that ingests data from a multitude of sources simultaneously, transforms it, and then sends it to Elasticsearch. Kibana is Elastic’s UI. It serves as the client application of the entire Elastic infra-structure

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